
  • Vinyl Flooring – Advantages and Disadvantages of Vinyl Tile Varieties

    Generally, vinyl floors are the best options for homeowners, especially, in kitchen, bathroom, family room, entryways and laundry room. Vinyl flooring is available as tiles or sheets. Vinyl tiles are inexpensive and attractive because of its wide range in colors, styles and designs. Vinyl floorings provide water and stain resistance and durability.

    Vinyl flooring can be install through self-adhesive backing which allows you to peel and stick. As sheet flooring material laid down in size of 6 or 12 feet wide. And tiles can be 9x9 or 12x12. Many landlords choose vinyl tiles, which mimics the look of ceramic tile floor at more affordable cost. On the other hand, sheet floorings are more water resistant and long lasting. Here are few advantages and disadvantages of vinyl tile varieties.

    * We all know that vinyl floors are softer than any other type of flooring as it is typically back with foam. Softer layer of vinyl flooring offers you to be more flexibility, so you can stand for longer time.
    * Vinyl tiles are easily available in thousands of colors and many designs and also include look hardwood or stone flooring. This will definitely lend your home beauty. Sometimes, it is difficult to differentiate between vinyl items and stone or wood vinyl.
    * Vinyl flooring is highly durable, which make your investment for one time and also manufacturers provides long-term warranties. Vinyl flooring can be last for more than 20 years. And also it helps in reduces incidences of damage compared with other flooring types.
    * Vinyl flooring is resistant to dirt and water. Vinyl flooring can cover damages and cracks on your floors.
    * When it comes on maintaining of tile floorings, sweeping and cleaning are best option for maintenance and also easy to get install.

    * First disadvantage of vinyl flooring is that it is made of PVC and emits volatile organic compounds. VOC paint is not recommended for those who are suffering with respiratory problems. In fact, manufacturers are trying to avoid using PVC in vinyl flooring.
    * However, vinyl flooring is easy to install, pre-installation process to get sub floors ready which can be boring. Subfloors needs to clear all of debris to ensure vinyl flooring installs correctly.
    * Sharp or pointy objects can scratch the surface of the floor. And also colors can fade, due to exposure of direct sunlight and can be damage through over temperature. For these reasons, vinyl flooring is are not recommended for outdoor or indoor uses. Vinyl flooring can be laid on top of concrete, but again, regularity and softness can be a problem.
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